Мечта | Идея | Реалност

Водени от традицията и модерните технологии, ние можем да изпълним мечтата ви с невероятни детайли и лазерна прецизност с помощта на 3D принтер.


Започнете да изработвате, моделирате или просто се консултирайте за желанието си

Дайте свобода на въображението си - ние ще го превърнем в реалност

В допълнение към десетилетията традиции, Velmar разчита и на най-модерните технологии в производството на бижута. Ето защо предлагаме моделиране на персонализирани изделия с помощта на 3D принтер. Нашата мисия е да превърнем мечтите ви в реалност. Ако имате идея за уникално бижу, което искате да носите или да подарите на специален човек, ние можем да ви помогнем. Уведомете ни какво очаквате от крайния продукт и ние ще предложим дизайн, който да отговаря на желанията ви, като използваме висококачествени материали и технологии. Нашите бижута са оригинални и изработени специално за вас.

Моделирайте мечтаното бижу
в реално време

Използвайки професионален софтуер за изграждане на модели в 3D среда, ние ще пресъздадем продукта възможно най-точно според вашите изисквания. Ще можете да избирате от различни материали, цветове и дизайни, както и да получавате обратна връзка и подобрен модел на всеки етап от разработката. Ще можете сами да коригирате и променяте 3D изделието си, докато постигнем желания резултат. Нашата цел е да ви предоставим качествено и персонализирано 3D бижу, което да отговаря на вашите очаквания и нужди.

Поставете финалните щрихи и вижте как ще изглежда вашият продукт

Завършването на 3D модела е важна стъпка в процеса на създаване на бижута по поръчка. С помощта на фотореализма, въз основа на избраните материали и дизайн, ще можете да видите окончателната визия за това как ще изглежда вашето бижу, преди то да бъде отпечатано. Тази техника се стреми да имитира реалния свят - светлина, сенки, цветове, отражения и текстури, като прави 3D модела да изглежда съвсем реален. Но не е твърде късно да направите окончателни промени на конкретни детайли или малки подобрения. След като 3D моделът е завършен в окончателния си вариант, файлът се подготвя и се зарежда на 3D принтера, където започва истинската магия!

На крачка от финала -
да видите 3D модела на място

Вашият 3D модел е успешно отпечатан и се подготвя за следващата стъпка. Използва се най-висококачествената гума, налична на пазара, специално разработена за професионални бижута до най-малкия детайл. Ние ще се погрижим за отстраняването на армировките и почистването на модела, така че да получите възможно най-доброто качество без компромиси. Ако предпочитате, можете да дойдете и да видите лично 3D принтирания модел, преди да пристъпим към металната отливка.

Запознайте се с вашето бижу на живо

Вашият 3D модел се отлива от благороден метал и остава на последния етап. Тези последни етапи са и най-важните за изработката на вашите персонализирани бижута. Внимателната изработка, професионалното монтиране на камъни и зашеметяващата финална обработка изискват знания, прецизност и внимание. Всички тези процеси се извършват ръчно от нашите опитни златари, които работят заедно с нас, за да доставят най-висококачествен продукт и да гарантират неговия безопасен и хармоничен вид.

Готови ли сте да видите мечтаното бижу в завършен вид? 

Custom jewelry making

At Velmar Jewelry you will find a variety of jewelry created from high quality materials with great care and professionalism. Our assortment includes both classic and more unusual designs, representing various current styles.

However, if you know exactly what you're looking for and don't find it in our collection, we can assist you with making jewelry to your personal taste. "Velmar offers personalized jewelry making from quality materials with designs created by your imagination.

The inspiration behind jewelry making

Jewelry making has always been and will always be as much about technology as it is about ideas. Craftsmanship and inspiration are the two key ingredients behind jewelry making, from delicate rings to striking necklaces. Anything that requires creativity, as in the case of jewelry making, has its own challenges. Putting an idea into practice is often one of them. In jewelry making, from the initial vision to the final product, there are several steps that must be taken to achieve a satisfying result. Whereas once upon a time custom jewelry making was done with the help of materials at hand, today it is a highly specialized and sophisticated process. Thanks to the innovative technologies we use at Velmar, we can ensure that custom jewelry making is easy and affordable for everyone. If you have an idea for a particular piece of jewelry, we are here to help you bring it to life.

Jewelry made from different materials

            Any lover of jewelry and accessories knows how difficult it can be sometimes to find the model they envision. The variety of designs nowadays is really huge, but bigger than that is the human imagination. That is why custom jewelry making is such a necessary and so convenient service. Here, with the help of professional model building software in a 3D environment, one can choose every detail - from the materials to the specifics of the design. The best thing about making jewelry this way is the complete freedom to make changes and adjustments to the model until it takes on the desired look. The technology we use at Velmar makes it possible to make jewelry according to a person's personal taste and preferences. This means that this way of making jewelry does not place restrictions on ideas. Unique combinations of materials, a choice of colors and the ability to adapt the design during jewelry making - all of this will be in your hands as we create your favorite piece of jewelry together.

Jewelry making pattern overview

            One of the best features of the bespoke jewelry making technology we use at Velmar is the option to preview the model you have created. This option is called "photorealism" and is just as magical as it sounds. When making custom jewelry, the 3D model is generated as an image that shows exactly what the product would look like in reality. Thanks to the innovative features of the jewelry making program, the 3D model you will see is as close to reality as possible. It demonstrates what the product looks like in real life because it takes into account the texture of the materials, the reflection of the light and the shadows it casts. This gives you complete control over the jewelry making process, as you can see the end result beforehand. Photorealism allows you to make sure the piece looks exactly as you imagined it. At this stage of custom jewelry making, you can still make small changes to the product if needed. In this way, custom jewelry making is truly secure and there is no room for error.

Final touches in jewelry making

When the 3D printer has done its job of making jewelry, you now have a 3D model at your disposal. It is an exact replica of the image you viewed earlier in the jewelry making process and will show you all the little details of the product. You can view the live 3D model in person to make sure it is exactly what you imagined. Before you see it, we will make sure to remove the reinforcements and clean it up so you can see what the result looks like when the jewelry is made.

Once the 3D printer has turned into reality, what has so far been just an idea, the final step of custom jewelry making begins - casting the model in metal. This is the intersection of technology and the professionalism of jewelers. From this point on, all the finishing touches in custom jewelry making are done by hand by our specialized team. Velmar's many years of experience in jewelry making ensures that the careful finishing of the product will be carried out with the utmost precision. We do not compromise in our work and relentlessly pursue perfection in custom jewelry making.

Professional jewelry making

            With the help of technology, jewelry making today is easier than ever. Innovations in the world of jewelry give every person the precious opportunity to hold in their hands the exact piece of jewelry they have imagined. And while technology is indeed very useful in jewelry making, it cannot replace the role of humans in creating quality jewelry. Only professionalism, experience and skill can ensure that jewelry making will happen in the most optimal and premium way. That is why the Velmar team strictly monitors the performance of the 3D printer at every stage of jewelry making.

We are also at your service at all times to make sure you get exactly what you expect. Our team can assist you with suggestions and advice regarding jewelry making, as our years of experience have taught us all the ins and outs of the industry. We know the basics of jewelry making materials, their prices and how they are processed, we are aware of the maintenance details and can offer valuable guidance at every stage of the jewelry making process.

            So, if you can imagine the jewelry you would like to own, Velmar will help you own it. We offer custom jewelry making, prices that are affordable for everyone, and quality that you won't find anywhere else.